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Online Therapy

Disentangle your psyche

In this therapy service, we create a loving safe place to express experiences/ events/ thoughts/ beliefs to release any pent-up emotion/understand repeating cycles/ reprogram the subconscious mind and replace self-sabotaging or limiting mind beliefs. Once you have developed faith in this process, you can start doing it for yourself and take advantage of the free readings available on Youtube


What to use this service for?

  1. To see life through the eyes of the Source. All our worries, sadness, and anxiety comes from an ego-based mindset which is based on fear and lack. Once we see how the difficult situations were a blessing in disguise we are able to transform all the negative emotions to peace and love.

  2. To manifest your dream life. When our ego blocks our heart's desires through conflicting beliefs we block the blessings the Universe has to offer us in this lifetime. Through this session, we will probe the limiting beliefs and replace them with ones in alignment with your highest good.

  3. To heal past/childhood trauma by going through the painful experiences and replacing them with memories and thoughts of unconditional love.

  4. To enhance self-loving thoughts through positive affirmations and letting go of self-limiting beliefs.


What to expect and how to make the best use of this service?

To be able to reprogram mind beliefs one needs to be calm and relaxed to access the delta theta states of mind. It is possible that the ego gets triggered during the session when pushed to expand beyond what it currently knows & understands, hence it is useful to say this positive affirmation before the session "I am open to new ideas, information and beliefs that are in my highest good and I let go of any blockages and resistances from my ego".

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