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Online Tarot Readings

Ask a question

In the online tarot card reading session, we will use card divination to get answers from the Universe. Each 20min session is conducted via Zoom call (chat/audio/video as per preference) and since only a thought is enough to connect energetically to the client, the accuracy is not affected during non-physical sessions.


What can I ask about?

When it comes to asking questions from the Universe there are no bounds, however, the answers we receive and interpret will depend on what we are ready to receive at the moment. Some common example questions to ask are:

  1. What do I need to know about my relationships/ career/ finances?

  2. What action do I need to take in the present regarding something?

  3. Clarity regarding a difficult choice?

  4. What are my/someone's true intentions behind doing something (ego/heart)?

  5. How do I heal from a painful situation?

  6. What's my current soul lesson?

  7. How can I transcend a situation/ pattern/ cycle?

  8. What are my current blocks in manifesting something?

  9. What does my higher self want me to know right now?

  10. What can I release to bring in more love in my life?

  11. What am I attracting subconsciously into my life?

  12. How can I move towards a more fulfilling life goal?

  13. How can I get out of a toxic situation?   


What to expect from a reading and how to make the most out of it?

The Universe does not want us to worry so much about the future or the past, instead wants us to focus on our present. Therefore from a reading one can expect to feel lighter/ healed/ more at peace & get better clarity about their situation in the present, however, all the in-depth future details may not be ready for revelation when the reader wants or poses the question. Hence, the Universe encourages us to have patience and trust in divine timing to reveal the truth at a time which is in our highest good (& most often differs from what the ego wants to hear).

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