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About Me

My healing journey of self discovery

My name is Parikha Mehrotra. I am a spiritual guide, energy healer and a psychic medium. I was born and brought up in India. I came to the United States to pursue Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering. In 2018 I met my divine counterpart, my twin flame accidentally (at least that's what I thought back then, which I later realized that there is no such thing as coincidence, everything is divinely orchestrated) at a party. I did not know consciously who he was when I first met him, but subconsciously he had triggered a lifetime of limited mind programming within me and all my fears came to the surface for me to address and heal. I did not know till that point in time how much I was suffering emotionally from the lack mentality I was programmed to have in this lifetime. I was an anxious individual with little to no trust in my capabilities, self-doubting, co-dependent, and trying to please others for their love and acceptance. Universe reparented me to love myself again, to not feel insecure about how I look, how intelligent I am, taught me not to compare myself with others as they are a mere reflection of my cosmic self, taught me how to set healthy boundaries in relationships, to believe in my soul's purpose this lifetime as a divine feminine to empower others, to love myself first and not allow guilt or shame to keep me from walking away from unhealthy relationships (and if my actions make others sad, it's because of their limited programming which they need to transcend from & understand the meaning of unconditional love which is undistorted by the ego), to not judge myself or others, to embrace universal flow and live my life in love and peace as a co-creator of my reality instead of trying to live life as a survivor fighting every situation. But most importantly, the Universe taught me of self's infinite nature which knows no bounds, and that it is possible to live our dream life full of abundance, unconditional love, peace, and harmony by transcending the limited social conditioning and patterns that keep us stuck in toxic situations and keep us feeling low and heavy. As divine love is freeing, accepting of all, respectful and honest and we all deserve nothing less than that.

My goal is to share the wisdom I have gathered and the lessons I have learned along my journey with others to help them in their own ascension and healing journeys. My goal is to anchor the vibration of unconditional love and bring heaven on earth.

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